Archives For November 30, 1999

External rotation of the hip is easy and hip internal rotation is a great predictor of overall hip health. (I stole that line from Dr. Andreo Spina, one day ill have an original thought) Specifically the ability to control internal rotation of the hip.

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The idea that you could put a patient in a position that would force them to adapt to only move the structure you wanted them to move was genius. This principle cut cueing crossfit athletes in half easily.

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The squat is a unique beast. It looks so simple, why does it cause me so many problems? Why are there so many people who walk into my clinic who can’t do it? How do I fix it? Where do we even start?

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I used to think anyone doing anything weird was weird. Now I know that it is the people that call others weird that are weird. -Sir Paul McCartney

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How long will it take for my patient to get better? How many sets and reps do i really need to give? Why isnt my patient getting better?

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